In closing this study, I thought it was appropriate to leave you with Debi Pearl’s “ABC’s of Being a Help Meet”. I pray you have been blessed through this study. May God continue to work on us throughout our daily lives, molding us into the help meets He created us to be.
Category Archive: Created to be His Help Meet Book Study
Mar 25
Heirs Together in the Grace of Life
What is our purpose in marriage? What does God desire to do in and through us? Two becoming as one…..togetherness….. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Hebrews 11 presents Sarah and Abraham as examples of faith. In 1 Peter 3, she is honored as being the woman who called her husband lord. Abraham spent much of his life traveling around …
Mar 18
To Obey or Not to Obey?
This week we are continuing on by breaking down the topic of obeying our husbands… There are some things stated by Michael Pearl in this chapter, that I personally do not believe are correct. Having lived life through an abusive marriage previously, I honestly do not believe that God would have a woman and/or child …
Mar 11
Help Meet Practical Game Rule #8 ~ To Be Obedient to Their Own Husbands
As a mom, I often get caught up in teaching and requiring obedience from my children. Yet, seldom do I think of my obedience to my husband. Submission, yes. Obedience, not so much. To me, submission is giving up things being done my way, or just giving up my desires for my husbands wants/needs. Obedience, …
Mar 04
Help Meet Practical Game Rule #7 ~ To Be Good
A good woman is genuine, joyful, virtuous, valuable, competent, ready, kind, benevolent, merciful, hardworking, agreeable, pleasant, congenial, honorable, faithful, gracious, and wise. “A virtuous woman is a crown to her husband: but she that maketh ashamed is as rottenness in his bones.” Proverbs 12:4 A good woman is a crown to her husband. She can …
Feb 25
Help Meet Practical Game Rule # 6 ~ To Be Keepers At Home
This topic can be a sticky one. As a former working help meet, I can attest to the difficulties my desire to be home with my children brought to my marriage due to my poor attitude, pressuring my husband and a lack of faith in God; prior to reading Debi’s book. Once I read, understood …
Feb 18
Help Meet Practical Game Rule #5 ~ To Be Chaste
I am very blessed to be married to a man that Debi Pearl refers to as “honest and candid”. He has shared with me the truth and importance of this matter. Something I truly did not understand as a woman before he stressed the importance of this topic. It is something I am still learning …
Jan 28
Help Meet Practical Game Rule #4 ~ To Be Discreet
One usually thinks of discretion as the ability to avoid saying or doing that which is inappropriate ~ to know when and how to conduct oneself so as not to offend. The Greek word is in other instances translated as “behavior” and “judgement”. Discretion, therefore is, having good tastes….good judgement….useful….to be of good understanding. …
Jan 21
Help Meet Game Rule #3 ~ To Love Their Children
The most important thing a mother will do for her children is to create an atmosphere of peace and joy by deeply loving their Daddy and being satisfied with life. God has honored the mother with the position of being the constant trainer of her young children. A wise woman never expects anyone to …
Jan 14
Help Meet Practical Rule #2 ~ To Love Their Husbands
This particular chapter in Debi Pearl’s book “Created to be His Help Meet”, is one that I wish she had added to. Much good can be found here, and some I will share in a moment, but I feel there is so much more to loving our husbands. I will be sharing a “How To” …