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Home Schooling ~ Our Path - Simply Helping Him: Marriage Experience from a Help Meet

Home Schooling ~ Our Path

I wanted to share with y’all why we chose to home school our children. I will state from the beginning, that there are some wonderful Christian schools out there, as well as some great Public school teachers. That being said, know that I realize some parents do not have a choice and must utilize one of those options. It is a blessing that we are able to keep our children home.

My brothers and I were home schooled from Kindergarten through 12th grade. We have never, repeat never, stepped foot into a public school for schooling purposes. I did visit a friend’s private school once, when I was in middle school for a few days. She lived out of state and I was on vacation with her, but she still had to attend school, so I tagged along.

I loved being home schooled, the freedom to do school in my pajamas, sleep in, do school as quickly as I wanted, take a day off if I needed a break, etc. Those are some of the biggest bonuses to parents and children alike when it comes to home schooling.

Growing up I did not have any desire to home school my children, even though I loved it, I did not believe that I was cut out to be a home schooling mother. I’m not sure why I thought that honestly, but I did.

When my son was 5, I was working part time outside the home. He and my daughter were in daycare, while I was working. I knew he was ready to start reading, he loved to be read to and would ask what the words were when reading books together. I decided that since I only worked 5 hours a day, that I would begin to teach him phonics. The first time I heard him read, that was it. It was wonderful to be a part of this first step in his life, and it started a fire burning within me. I began to desire to want to stay home with my children, full time. I knew at that time that it was not possible, my husband had been raised differently than I and believed that both parents should be working to provide for their families. So I began to pray. The answer was wait.

My son went to a private school for his 1st grade year.  I was happy that I was able to afford to send him to small private Christian school. I sent him there knowing his phonics, knowing how to add and subtract without using his fingers. He was very far ahead of what they considered a 1st grader. At the end of his 1st grade year, they tried to tell me he was ready to go into 3rd grade. I ordered a 3rd grade placement test and found that was not so. He was not ready for 3rd grade. I found that he had been allowed to use his fingers in Math as well, and could not do Math work without using them anymore. Talk about going backwards.

At this point, my husband and I were struggling in our marriage. My mother took the kiddos for a few weeks, so that we could have some time to figure out what to do. I spent 3 weeks away from my children and my husband. It was honestly one of the best decisions I ever made. I needed those 3 weeks alone, for God to work in me. I needed to see my life the way He saw it. I would not have been able to do that with regular “life” going on around me. I needed to get alone with Him. It was during this time that God brought a scripture to me. This would become my home schooling scripture.

“Therefore shall ye lay up these my words in your heart and in your soul, and bind them for a sign upon your hand, that they may be as frontlets between your eyes. And ye shall teach them your children, speaking of them when thou sittest in thine house, and when thou walkest by the way, when thou liest down, and when thou risest up.And thou shalt write them upon the door posts of thine house, and upon thy gates: That your days may be multiplied, and the days of your children, in the land which the LORD swore unto your fathers to give them, as the days of heaven upon the earth.”

Deuteronomy 11:18-21


I was praying harder than ever before, that I would be able to stay home with my children and teach them. I wanted to be the one teaching them how to live for the Lord, teaching them how to be a husband and a wife by God’s standards, teaching them their school work, teaching them how to run a household, etc. I wanted to teach them, at home, full time.At the end of the 3 weeks, my husband surprised me. He told me that I could quit my job, be a stay at home mom and home school the children! Why? He said because it is what he wanted me to do! Praise the Lord! I couldn’t believe it! Less than 2 years previously he wanted me working outside the home because that’s what he believed was right, now after almost 2 years of prayer God had changed his heart!


It has been the greatest part of my life, teaching my children to read, watching their eyes light up when they finally “get it”! It is such a joy!


Teaching them how to live for the Lord each day is a big part of our day. We begin our day with individual devotions with Mommy (one kid at a time alone with me), then they have about 1-1.5 hours before school begins. Our curriculum is all based on God’s Word, yet another reinforcement! The more people you are around, and things you do that reinforce your beliefs is great, they learn that it is not just you that believe the way you do!We recently started using “The Child Training Bible” when we run into difficulty throughout our day. I am loving it! My children are a lot like me, their mouths move more than they use the 2 ears God gives them. So it is usually a bit of a struggle to get them to sit down and hear God’s Word, but it is getting better. All good things come to those that wait right? Once we’ve spent time in God’s Word using the CTB, they see how they were wrong, we talk about the situation, how we could have dealt with it differently and close in prayer asking God to help us throughout the rest of our day.


Every day is new to itself. It will present new joys and new struggles. This is no different with home schooling. The beauty of home schooling is that if they are struggling with something, then you can stop in your curriculum and work on that topic until they get it! There is NO reason to rush them through a curriculum, each child learns at their own pace and will struggle with their own things. You must tackle each new day, each new struggle as it comes your way. If y’all are “off” from the time you’re rising, take a day off. Go on a field trip, it still counts toward your days for state home schooling laws too! School work done in frustration will teach NOTHING!


There will be days that you think, I don’t think this is for me. Hard days will come your way, it is at those times that you must remember that God is the one who led you to this path! He WILL be your strength if you but ask Him! Ask the Lord for a scripture for your home schooling, He will give you one! When He does, hold tight to it! Remind yourself of it on those hard days! Look at your children and remind yourself that you are doing this FOR THEM! To teach, train and raise them up to serve and love the Lord FIRST AND FOREMOST!


Believing that God will guide you…..


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  1. Julie Bastuk

    Visiting and linking up for the first time…I love your blog, and I love your honesty and authenticity! Looking forward to reading more of what you have to say!

    1. simplyhelpinghim

      Welcome! 🙂 I’m so thrilled you stopped by and shared! 🙂 Thank you for your kind words! Blessings!

  2. Shannon

    This has been on my heart so much lately. My family is struggling so much finacially now that we will not be able to homeschool our soon to be Kindgergardener. It pierces my heart to think of all the things she will be subject to in public school. Since our goverment has tried so hard to take everything of God out of school and introduce so many worldly condemnations, I am so afraid for her. My daughter is so tender-hearted and so loving. I was told recently that the public schools are trying to introduce a book about same sex parenting to there elementary classes! Please keep my family in your prayers as we try to overcome the financial battle that we are constantly entangled in. I would at least like the ability to put her in a Christian school.
    So proud for you and your family and I am so happy that God led me to your site.


    1. simplyhelpinghim

      Shannon, I will most definitely be praying for you and your family. Are you having to work due to finances, or just that you are concerned you can’t afford the textbooks you need to homeschool her? If it is the latter I would love to chat more, as I could possibly point you in a different direction 🙂 Please feel free to email me at simplyhelpinghim at gmail dot com ….. Prayers and Blessings!

  3. Janna

    Sounds like a couple of years ago you were where I am at now. I was home schooled most of my life (started bc we lived on the mission field but continued even when we were back in the U.S.). I always said I would NOT home school my kids! Well, lately I have struggled with feeling convicted to do so. But, my hubby is not necessarily on the same page as me with it, and I may not even be there 100%. I have been and will continue to pray for God to convict his heart and to lead mine more in that direction if it is what’s right for our family. Most of my conviction comes from wanting to be the main influence in my kids “growing up” years. I want to help mold them into the Christian women (and if we ever have a son, man) that I hope they will be, and to keep them as much as possible from the evils of the world and the influences they will encounter (though I know Satan will be at work either way). But I still feel like this should be on ME to raise my kids for those 8 hours a day, and not the public school system (there’s no way we could afford a Christian school and we live in a small town so there really isn’t one available closer than 45 mins away anyway). I still struggle with whether or not I’m capable of schooling them, though (and my hubby questions my ability, as well). I am impatient. I’m not the smartest thing. And well, I just don’t know. Also, my daughter has had a VERY hard time adjusting to Kindergarten (actually, she still isn’t adjusted). I will just keep praying and see where God leads us. We also have kind of counted on me going to work once our kids are all in school bc we struggle so much financially already. We shall see. But anyway, it was inspiring to read where you came from and where you are now. So thank you for sharing this and for giving me hope that God can convince a husband even when a wife can’t! 🙂

    1. simplyhelpinghim

      It definitely is a process, and it has to be in God’s time. It takes Him working in your life, and then your husband’s life as well. I’d love to chat with you if you’d like! Prayers sent up for you and guidance for your journey! 🙂

  4. Jessica

    I loved reading your story. It is inspirational to me to read of second generation homeschoolers. I pulled my girls out of school (at my daughter’s request) when she was 7 and we are now on year 3. I often pray for guidance and patience and direction. It always helps me.

    Found your blog from Susan’s Favorite Resource Friday link up.

    ~Jessica @ Teachable Moments

    1. simplyhelpinghim

      Yes, guidance, patience and direction are key for the homeschooling journey! Thank you for stoppin by! Blessings!


    Love this! I home school also. We will start our new year in a few weeks!

    1. simplyhelpinghim

      🙂 We are taking the month of August off and then starting back up in September! 🙂 I’m excited to begin as I’ve changed things around a bit to make it more “hands on”. 🙂

  6. Lindsay @ crunchy savings

    I love your story! I feel the same way about homeschooling and am very excited to offically start with Kindergarten this year!

    1. simplyhelpinghim

      Kindergarten is so much fun! 🙂 hee hee…..I love home schooling and am changing things up this year and I’m VERY excited about doing so! 🙂

  7. Ursula Tara Davis

    What a beautiful inspiring story…
    I myself was a homeschool parent and remember so clear when the Lord led me to leave my place of employment to become a stay-at-home mom.
    My husband and I desperately wanted to be in the will of God.
    The same scripture you shared in your story was one of the scriptures he gave us and we literally had scriptures posted through-out our home.
    I have since wrote a book about my journey entitled, “The Corporate Woman @ Home.Mom.”
    I pray God’s blessing upon you and your family!!!
    Ursula Tara Davis
    The Corporate Woman @ Home.Mom

    1. simplyhelpinghim

      Thank you so much for stopping by and sharing! It is definitely God that worked this out for my children! 🙂 Blessings!

  8. Shar

    Beautiful inspiring story! Looking forward to reading your blog more!

    xoxo -Shar

    1. simplyhelpinghim

      Thank you for stopping by! I hope you had a nice “stay” 🙂

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