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Caring for Your Husband's Wife.....His "queen" - Simply Helping Him: Marriage Experience from a Help Meet



Sep 30

Caring for Your Husband’s Wife…..His “queen”

In the midst of sleepless nights, cooking, cleaning, schooling, etc. taking care of ourselves is not usually high on our list of to do’s, much less on the must do list.

Last week we discussed caring for our “king”. A king wants his wife to look nice and carry herself well with gentle manners.

How to Find Time to Care for Your Husband’s “queen”

The biggest question for us often is, where do we find the time to care for ourselves. I’m often asked how I get everything done, and my answer always is, “I make time.” Making time isn’t easy for anyone, but with a lot of planning, to do lists, prioritization, organization and motivation, you’ll be amazed at all you can do in a day.


Only you can figure out how to squeeze in some “queen” time for yourself. My schedule is that I get up 2 hours before my little ones for devotions, blogging, and “queen” time. In the evening I usually have 1-2 hours after they go to bed for my use as well. I have chosen to rise early to find my “queen” time. You may choose to stay up later, or grab it during nap time. When it happens isn’t important, it’s making the time to ensure you have it. Not only will your husband be pleased with your neat appearance, but you will feel refreshed and relaxed.

One common misconception is that in order to have “me” time you have to get out of the house. I rarely get time weekly or even monthly for time alone away from the house.

Finding time for yourself will make you a better wife and mother. You will be less stressed, more relaxed and mentally ready for the day ahead.

Simple Ways to Care for Your Husband’s “queen”

1. Grab a long shower or bath.

Don’t rush.

Stay until you are refreshed.

Grab a book if you’re in the tub, there’s not much more relaxing than reading while you’re in the tub.


2. Wear a nice outfit. 

Skip the sweats or pajama pants, they make you feel frumpy and you look it too.

Being attentive to clothes your husband likes earns big bonus points.


3. Take time to fix your hair. 

Forgo the ponytail or knot today.

Style it the way you used to for your “king”, or try out a little more femininity with Lilla Rose.


4. Put on a bit of makeup

(if your husband or you appreciate this). 

Don’t wait for a night out.

Today is special, each day is as they all are gifts from God.


5. Find your “queen” time passion. 

Reading a book while drinking hot tea, watching Hallmark and cross stitching are some of my favorite past times.

Take some time each day for you, even if it’s only 30 minutes. Often I read until I can’t keep my eyes open. 🙂

P.S. It’s ok to skip the dishes and/or fold the laundry to find this time in the evening. 🙂


6. Play quiet music throughout your day. 

This will help your spirit (and your children’s) remain calm.

Remember a “queen” must have gentle manners, I find that this truly helps me remain gentle throughout my days.


7. Keep up with your daily tidying. 

I know this is an odd one for this topic, but if your home isn’t tidy you’ll find yourself stressed and irritable.

Have your little blessings help by putting things away as they’re done with them. Before they go to bed personally do a “sweep” of the downstairs/living space and put all their things in a basket for them to put away.


I know that each king and queen are different, so some of these tips might not work for y’all. What is important is taking time to care for yourself both physically and mentally.

One thing you must ensure you don’t do is take time away from caring for your husband, or neglecting your couple time.These are of greater importance, so you must “make time” for yourself apart from these.

So, where are you going to start making time to care for yourself today?



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  1. Crystal Green

    When my husband is home I get to take long hot baths. I love putting nail polish on when given the chance. That is my one luxury.

    1. simplyhelpinghim

      That is always very nice! 🙂

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