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Missional Call Interview with Link Up - Simply Helping Him: Marriage Experience from a Help Meet



Dec 04

Missional Call Interview with Link Up

Today I’m so excited to announce that my dear friend, Rosilind, has just launched a new website! In order for you to get to know her a bit, and her mission I have the honor of hosting an interview with her, here for you today!

I know that you will be blessed as I am, and that you excited as I am for her!




Meet Rosilind



  1.  About Rosilind

I am a pastor’s kid and grew up mostly in the Pacific Northwest along the “I-5 Corridor” in Olympia, WA and Portland, OR. I graduated from Christ for the Nations Institute in Dallas, Texas in 2001 and moved to Zagreb in 2004. Shortly thereafter I met my husband at our church, but we didn’t begin dating until 2006. In the meantime, I spent 3 months in Tuzla, Bosnia, which is where I mostly learned to speak the language.  In 2007 we got married and we now have two boys: ages 2 & 4. Last year we purchased a small home in a village just outside of Zagreb where we have a small piece of land for a family-sized garden. And maybe a few chickens.

  1. When did God place the dream for Missional Call on your heart?

Earlier this year, I read an article on my friend’s blog that got to thinking of how I may be able to start a small home business. But I wanted it to be more than just an additional income. I wanted it to be a ministry, and since missions is obviously something near and dear to my heart – more like an inseparable part of my life – I knew it had to be something to do with that.

Several times over the nine years I’ve been here, I longed to spill my heart out to someone who understood the struggles I face while trying to fit my square self into this Croatian round hole. But the process is hard to understand if you’ve never walked that road. I have thought several times about how wonderful it would be to have a community of peers to dialogue with, share with, and glean from. I just never dreamed that I would be the one to start such a ministry.

  1. Where did you get the idea for your community name?

That part is interesting because names in general are not something I’m very good at. My husband came up with both of our son’s names and the audience for my personal blog dreamed up A Little R & R. I struggled with this part for several weeks. And suddenly it was just there. And the moment it came to my heart, I knew it was it. So, I think the Lord really gave me the name Missional Call.

  1. What does Missional Call mean to you personally?

For me Missional Call is really all encompassing. We are all called.  And I firmly believe that we are all called to a mission: whether that mission is our neighborhood, city, job site, or a country on the other side of the world – He has placed us in a particular place for a specific purpose and calling, a missional call to bring His kingdom to bear right where we are.

  1. What is your vision for Missional Call?

My vision is 3-fold – with a bonus desire. First: to do what I mentioned before – to offer support and encouragement to present missionaries. A community where they can dialogue and share their questions, struggles, fears, successes and failures and find safety among their peers. Second, I want to offer a place for future or hopeful missionaries where they can find answers and counsel pertaining to the field. I get a lot of emails and questions from those who have a desire to serve in missions and I really want to have a particular place where I can point to where they can find all the answers they need.  Third, my desire is to reach out to former/retired missionaries and provide them a place where they can put their experience to use by way of contributing helpful articles and serving as advisors. And the outcome (the bonus desire) is that by doing this, we will be able to raise awareness of missions and the work of missionaries around the world.

  1. What is your mission statement?

Missional Call is a ministry devoted to providing present missionaries encouragement and community, hopeful missionaries answers and advice, and former/retired missionaries a place to remain connected to the field. We seek to accomplish this by providing the best and most relevant resources that motivate, encourage and inspire as well as provide answers to their needs. As Missional Call develops, our goal is to provide an active real-time independent community of peers where present missionaries can find relationship and support while navigating the process of cultural integration.

  1. What does Missonal Call offer missionaries?

At present, Missional Call offers resources and articles that encourage and inspire them in their work, ministry and personal life. Over the course of the next several months, we have plans to expand the services we offer in a very structured course toward the vision to provide direct community and relational interaction.

  1. Where do we send missionaries to learn more about Missional Call?

Thank you for asking! If you know of a missionary that you feel could benefit from Missional Call, you may direct them to our website: or you may give them our email address: .  We can also be found on Facebook, Twitter, and Pinterest.

  1. What are the basic functions within Missional Call for missionaries?

It is my hope that after the New Year, we can start an initial private community on Facebook for missionaries. This would be an introductory way to start community and interaction among missionaries. In addition to that, we provide free resources for them to help encourage them personally and ministry-wise, as well as relevant articles that address the issues they are currently facing.

  1. How can bloggers partner with you to help Missional Call succeed?

I am open for interviews, guest posts, and sharing about Missional Call through any creative means someone may dream up. *grin* I also have a logo button that bloggers can put on their sidebars, we have a Pinterest page where you can repin our images – the sky is the limit.

Today is Wisdom Wednesday and I hope you’ll stop for a bit.

Take a moment to visit your hosts, link up and check out some other bits of wisdom while you’re here!


Your Hosts


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  1. Debi and Charly @ Adorned From Above

    Thanks so much for sharing with Adorned From Above’s Link Party. Have a great week.
    Debi and Charly @ Adorned From Above

    1. simplyhelpinghim

      You’re welcome! 🙂

  2. Rosey

    I love how you got the name Missional Call, very sweet. 🙂 I’m visiting today from Fun Friday. 🙂

    1. simplyhelpinghim

      Thank you for stoppin by! Blessings!

  3. Mel Caldicott

    This sounds like such a great ministry. Thanks so much for spotlighting it! I pray that it blesses and encourages many.
    Thanks for linking up at Essential Fridays. Blessings.
    Mel from Essential Thing Devotions

    1. simplyhelpinghim

      I’m excited to be alongside Rosilind and help her in the new ministry anyway I can! Blessings!

  4. Beth

    What an amazing ministry, Rosilind! I’m sure there’s such a great need for this. My prayers are with you and Missional Call. And thanks to Misty for hosting today and highlighting your ministry and passion for missionaries!

    1. simplyhelpinghim

      It really is wonderful what Rosilind is doing! I’m so excited to see where God takes this new ministry!

    2. Rosilind @ A Little R & R

      Thank you for your prayers, Beth. That means so much!!

  5. Debbie @

    Thanks so much for hosting!

    1. simplyhelpinghim

      You’re so very welcome! 🙂

  6. Rosilind @ A Little R & R

    Thank you so much for sharing this today. It means so much to have you partner with me in this very important day! Love you!

    1. simplyhelpinghim

      You’re so very welcome hun! It is an honor to be able to be a small part of your new ministry! <3 and hugs!

  1. #Missional Call Launches TODAY! + 31 Days to Start an Online Business #ebook #Giveaway + A Little R & R Wednesdays - a linky party #31 - A Little R & R

    […] also read about Missional Call on a few other blogs today!  Misty from Simply Helping Him is interviewing me today.  So stop on over there and read the interview! Sunu from Clothed in Scarlet listed me as her […]

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