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Dating Builds & Protects Your Marriage - Simply Helping Him: Marriage Experience from a Help Meet



Aug 12

Dating Builds & Protects Your Marriage

Take a moment and think back to the days when you first met your spouse. Remember when everything was new and exciting, you were “in love”.

What does your marriage look like now?

Life has a habit of wreaking havoc on relationships, add in our adversary who seeks to destroy anything of God, and our marriages are in need of extra work and protection.

How do we protect our marriages?

Our marriages can best be protected by consistent prayer.

Working to ensure our marriage relationship stays fun and exciting will not only strengthen our relationship with our spouse, but it will also protect our marriages.


How do we ensure our marriages don’t lose “the spark”?

We continue to “date” our spouses.

A lot of times when we’re dating we do little things for each other, this should continue into and throughout our marriages.

Notes and texts saying “I Love You”, flowers that show you care, favorite meals for him to come home to, dates to places you both love, and dates to explore new places and things together.

Placing their desires and needs before your own, reveals your love by being selfless, encourages growth in you and your relationship.

Sometimes we say things like, “I’ve got him/her now, I don’t have to impress them anymore”, as a joke. Yet, there is a lot of truth to this “joke”. We all often fall into this trap.

What happens when we do “let ourselves go”, we don’t “date” our spouse, or continually build our marriage relationship?

In letting yourself go, we typically are referring to our physical appearance. Where we find ourselves not being as tidy, or attractive as we were when we were dating.

Lord willing, our physical appearance is not the only reason we are together, but we should ensure that we are taking care of ourselves and remaining attractive to our spouses.

By not “dating” our spouses, we are usually being lazy or selfish. Dating is work, it takes time, energy and planning. This is where life gets in the way. Work, kids, church, ministry, etc. are all pulling us in different directions. We must choose to stop, and focus on our most important human relationship.

Without a relationship, our marriages will die. A relationship requires communication, which happens when we spend time together. If we do not choose to spend time together, then we will just be two people living in the same house.

We must remember that God created marriage as a picture of Jesus and the Church.

Has Jesus ever left you behind? Have you noticed Him focusing on Himself, or His wants and needs?

These are impossible, for He is the Son of God. He is perfect. Yet, we are to be striving to become a bride fit for The King.

Our marriages are the place to practice that which we see Jesus do. It is in our marriages that we can become a more beautiful Bride for Christ.

Time without a doubt is probably our biggest hurdle in continuing to “date” our spouse. After work, kids, dinner, etc. we want to collapse. Most of our weekends are for us to do what we want, it’s our free time.

What if we were to take time after we put the kids to bed to enjoy an ice cream on the couch, or pop some popcorn and watch a movie?

What would the look on your spouses’ face be when they found a love note in their lunch, or on their speedometer?

In dating, we give each other all the time in the world. This should increase in importance in our marriages. For in marriage we are showing that we “have found him (her) whom my soul loves. (Song of Solomon 3:4)

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  1. Beth

    It always amazes me that many couples don’t remember to do this simple thing in marriage–date! No wonder they struggle to feel that spark. I love your words of encouragement and the helpful ideas too. In fact, I’m going to take your suggestion and leave a little love note where my hubby can find it. I need to do more spontaneous acts of love and flirtation like that! Thanks for the gentle nudge and for linking this up at Wedded Wed, my friend!

    1. simplyhelpinghim

      It is something that we don’t think of in the midst of all the days “to do lists”, work, etc. Yet, it should be close to the top of our daily “to do” list, taking time to ensure our husband’s KNOW that we are thankful for them, that our choice to love them hasn’t changed throughout the years. I hope your hubby finds and is thankful for your note! 🙂 Thanks for stoppin by! Blessings sis!

  2. Victoria @ Creative Home Keeper

    I completely agree! Funny story recently I was really convicted of this so I started to think about ways that I could bless my husband. So I sent him a text message during the day while he was at work saying “I Love You”. Well he immediately called back and asked if everything was OK! I lovely tried to explain to him that I was just finding creative ways to bless him, and we had a good laugh after that.

    1. simplyhelpinghim

      LOL! That is really awesome!! 🙂 It’s great when a couple can laugh together! 🙂 Thanks for stoppin by and sharing! Blessings!

  3. Val Young

    Great post today

    1. simplyhelpinghim

      Thank you 🙂 Blessings!

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