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True Heroes - Simply Helping Him: Marriage Experience from a Help Meet



Mar 17

True Heroes

This post has been relocated to the new blog @ Marriage Motherhood and Missons…..

Please follow this link to find the rest of Rosilind’s post.



I know Misty was likely wondering if I’d ever get my article to her. Ever since she gave me the topic to write on, I pondered it from about every aspect possible. It wasn’t that I couldn’t come up with a person/figure who inspired me in my roll as a helpmeet…it was that I simply didn’t know which one to choose! This morning I woke up and said, “I HAVE TO GET THAT WRITTEN!”  I had wanted to choose my mom – but was afraid of being trite and not giving her the value she deserves. Yet, she really is the standard by which I measure myself as a wife, mom, missionary-person in the ministry…just about everything I am is measured against her (in a good way, of course). She truly is my hero.


Finally the morning of the deadline came; I decided to stop trying to be “brilliant” and just write. As I made my morning coffee I thought of how I could start the article. By the time the microwave beeped 2 minutes later (I like HOT coffee!) I had my first sentence. I sat down and typed it out…and the rest just flowed. I cried as I wrote this, because the memories for me are so very, very precious…like a string of jewels…and as I lingered on each one, treasuring the wealth they hold for me, fingering them, turning them over and around, and drinking in their beauty, I was once again amazed, honored and deeply humbled by the wonderful heritage I have and the awesome duty and responsibility I have to pass that on. One I do not, and should not, take lightly.


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    So many christians wonder why their children are not serving the Lord. They say, they took them to church and had them in all the Christian clubs etc. I wonder if the reason was that they were in public school? At least one of the reasons. We were in public school, but that was in the days when God was recognized. Mother taught us the importance of good friends, and to shun evil. A mother’s words at the family alter do go very far. Thank you for this lovely post about your mother who was led by the Holy Spirit and your Dad too who trusted God to meed the needs of the family.

    1. simplyhelpinghim

      Yes, there are so many thoughts to why children aren’t serving the Lord. Whether it be public school, bad influences from family and friends, church struggles, etc. Family at home can truly make the difference I believe in the outcome of children’s lives. If that which they learn at church is backed up in school and home then they are more balanced and aren’t pulled in many different directions/beliefs. Truly Roz and I are both blessed to have such a wonderful example and testimony of God-fearing parents.

    2. A Little R & R

      Yes – wrong influences can do a lot to drag our children away. But I think the main reason is that they didn’t have a good foundation at the start. I think that so many parents are just too busy to do what is necessary to lay a strong foundation and too many rely on the church to do what they should be doing themselves. If you TRAIN your children in the way they should go (not just discipline, not just say Christian things, not just go to church, not just have them in youth group or Sunday school, not just homeschool…not just DO all the right things – but train, really, really train….) they will not depart from the path. They may wander and feel their oats – all kids do – but they will not depart…in their wandering will find their way back.

  2. Judith at WholeHearted Home

    Thank you Misty for guest featuring Rosalind. This was a beautiful tribute to your mother Rosalind, and to relying on God in faith for our needs. Deeply touching. Thanks for linking this up over at WholeHearted Home.

    1. simplyhelpinghim

      Isn’t she just wonderful? I love her! 🙂 She is the sister of my heart! 🙂

      1. A Little R & R

        <3 you sister!!!!!!

        1. simplyhelpinghim

          Love you too sweetheart! <3

    2. A Little R & R

      I was so honored to be able to write this. I have such a rich heritage!!

      1. simplyhelpinghim


  3. Amber

    AMEN!!!!!!!! These stories were so encouraging and brought tears to my eyes. That is what I want to have, just simple, child like faith, totally dependent and trusting God to provide, because He is my loving Father. I loved this!

    1. simplyhelpinghim

      Yes, child like faith…..that holds nothing back! Thank you for stoppin by hun 😉 Blessings!

    2. A Little R & R

      Thank you, Amber. It’s hard as adults sometimes to learn childlike faith – because we have such a desire to be in control. But somehow, looking at our own kids, and learning from them helps put that relationship of Father God and us as His kids into better perspective.

  4. Rona

    I’m stopping by from Jumping Tandem Sunday.
    What beautiful memories of faith.

    1. simplyhelpinghim

      Oh yes 🙂 Beautiful memories are so wonderful 🙂 Thanks for stoppin by!

    2. A Little R & R

      Thank you. They are my treasures!

  5. JoAnne Potter

    Heroes. So hard to define. They are not necessarily people who do great things, but sometimes people who do small things greatly. In a world that defines a man who knows how to throw or pass a ball well a hero, we much be very careful who we call our own heroes. Sometimes it is just as you say…finding the extraordinary in the common.

    1. simplyhelpinghim

      Yes, small or great heroes still the same! May God receive all the glory through those we call our “heroes of the faith”! Thank you for stoppin by! Blessings!

    2. a

      I so agree about heroes – and I think that is more true today than ever. We tend to elevate and adore people who actually have little to offer as an example that we as Christians should follow. And we tend to exalt those who do impressive things even though their lives are destitute morally.

  6. Barefoot Hippie Girl

    Rosalind, this was beautiful. I had many experiences like this growing up. My parents’ faith in God and his provision, definitely helped shape my faith in God. And likewise, for the almost 12 years I have been married, we have always had the money to pay our bills, and give to those whom we have committed in our hearts to regularly give to.
    We have a great spiritual heritage and I am so thankful!
    Also, I have had the same writing issues-praying and praying, and God speaks to me at just the right time.

    1. simplyhelpinghim

      We seriously have so much in common girlies! It has been such a blessing to learn more about all of you, God truly brought us all together in this lil blog world! I’m so blessed by each of you! 🙂

      1. A Little R & R

        One of the many blessings of blogging – you meet wonderful people!!!

        1. simplyhelpinghim

          🙂 Yes for sure! 🙂 Croatia is on my list of places to visit 🙂 (((hugs)))

    2. A Little R & R

      It’s amazing to think about how our parent’s lives and decisions shape who we have become and who we continue to become. It is humbling really to think about how we fill that role for our children…when I think of what my children may potentially say about me when they grow older…it really helps keep me disciplined to do what I know I ought to do. It’s humbling, daunting, and disciplining all at the same time.

  1. My Help Meet Examples ~ Biblical and Living | Simply Helping Him

    […] Roz sent her post for this month’s Help Meet Corner topic, I couldn’t believe how much I identified with […]

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