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Trying Thursday - Simply Helping Him: Marriage Experience from a Help Meet



Aug 02

Trying Thursday

Trying……lately I find myself trying with many things; some things for the first time, others with a new method. I wonder what I’m not trying at, that I should be.

Trying to be a better mom, as God calls me to be……….check

Trying to become the wife He created me to be………..check

Trying to be a better teacher………check

Trying to take care of our home………..check

All of these things are what I’m called to do and be. Yet… I trying to learn more of Him? To become more like Him? Am I reaching out to those around me? Am I to busy being a Martha instead of stopping, listening…..being a Mary?

When I picture Mary, I see her sitting at Jesus’ feet, in awe of all He is saying, all He has done and how He knows everything about them all.

I see Martha, in the kitchen. Pots and pans clanging, water boiling over and dishes needing to be washed. She is excited andΒ exasperatedΒ at the same time.

She wants to honor Jesus and serve Him a fine dinner, yet she missed the most important part. Listening and learning from Him.

I wonder what I would have done…..if I had Jesus as a guest in my home. Would I hurry about doing stuff or would I stop and listen…….and learn.

I am always busy, there’s always something to do, somewhere to be……Martha, Martha I fear I am.

Mary, Mary is who I need to try and be live.

Stop. Listen. Learn. Try.




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  1. Kimberly

    I wonder if I would be more like Martha. I guess that is an area I will need to spend some time on. Thanks for sharing at NOBH.

    1. simplyhelpinghim

      Yes, I believe we all could use a few lessons in being more like Martha.

  2. Jenni Mullinix

    Good reminder. We must strive to “be still and know that I am God”. Thanks for linking up to Thrive @ Home!

    1. simplyhelpinghim

      Yes πŸ™‚ We must! πŸ™‚ Blessings!

  3. Kristi

    Wonderful post! We must take time to listen. Funny, my upcoming Monday post is along that same line. Love to share like-minded thoughts with other Jesus girls! Blessings to you!

    1. simplyhelpinghim

      Great minds think alike πŸ˜‰ Thanks for stoppin by! Blessings! πŸ™‚

  4. Sherri

    Wow, I am so Martha.
    I sometimes get so caught up in the serving, I forget about the listening. Thank you for this reminder.

    1. simplyhelpinghim

      Yes, listening is so hard to do at times when we want to put our hands to action. Thank you for stoppin by! Blessings! πŸ™‚

  5. Leslie

    We all need to be more in the moment like Mary. Thank you for linking up with Simply Better.

    1. simplyhelpinghim

      πŸ™‚ Yes! Living in the moment! Perfect! Thank you for stoppin by! Blessings!

  6. Heather

    Great post! I’ve been trying a lot of those things lately too. I fear I’m neither Martha or Mary, but more of a beggar in the crowd.

    1. simplyhelpinghim

      I believe sometimes the beggar in the crowd learns more than being up close. For then we are able to observe and take it all in. Plus’ and minus’ to each position πŸ˜‰ Thank you for stoppin by! Blessings!

  7. Dawn @ Come Over For Coffee

    Great reminder!! I keep saying that I need to be more like Mary, but my Martha keeps taking over. I know that to keep giving, I need to receive. I just forget to make the time. Thank you for the reminder!

    1. simplyhelpinghim

      Yes, it is so much harder to do something than just to say it! Thank you for stoppin by! Blessings! πŸ™‚

  8. Kendra @ A Proverbs 31 Wife

    So true, I find myself always doing something. The other day my neighbor stopped by to chat, as she does on occasion and I had to make myself stay on the couch talking with her when I really wanted to talk while I was doing something, and I knew that would be rude. It’s crazy though how hard it was for me to do that.

    1. simplyhelpinghim

      Yes, doing keeps us so busy that we often miss the beauty of just being. πŸ™‚ Blessings!

  9. Mary Beth

    Like Lori said, its so easy to get caught up in the business. And I would add, getting stuck in what we “should” be doing and how we aren’t doing it. I just remind myself of grace grace grace and a new day tomorrow!

    1. simplyhelpinghim

      Yes very true! Learning to do the things we should and really try at them is key! πŸ™‚

      1. Michy

        Oh I am so much the same..trying all the time…sometimes it’s hard to just loosen up, to let go, Let God!
        Host of Faithfully Parenting Fridays linky party

        1. simplyhelpinghim

          Yes for sure! Trying all the time is tiring! LOL! I often feel like I’m trying to be Superwoman! πŸ™‚ Blessings! πŸ™‚

  10. Lori

    Oh, it is my fear too, that I would lose the being in the doing. Such a temptation. Such a tendency. Leonard Ravenhill said, “He who prays much, accomplishes much.” May I accomplish much today! Lori, visiting from Be Not Weary (

    1. simplyhelpinghim

      Yes…..being vs doing… easy to get lost in it…..Thank you for stoppin by! πŸ™‚ Blessings!

  11. Barbara

    Thanks for the reminder today. It came at a perfect time for me. I will rest and let God today.

    1. simplyhelpinghim

      πŸ™‚ Yes! Resting in Him is what I will focus on today! Thank you for stoppin by! Blessings!

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