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Dear Wife Who Feels Unattractive - Simply Helping Him: Marriage Experience from a Help Meet



Jul 08

Dear Wife Who Feels Unattractive

We’ve traded our heels and skirts, for sneakers and jeans, and our styled hair for ponytails.

Where once we spent an hour getting ready for our day, we’re lucky to have 10 quiet minutes to shower and shave.

Manicured nails are a thing of the past, we don’t have time for things that don’t last.

All these things fall under the “beauty” category and when you don’t include these in your daily routine it can make you feel unattractive.

Our husbands often have a hard time adjust to our “natural” beauty, especially if we had the “complete look” previous to being married/having children. 


So how do we accept our “natural” beauty?

How do we ensure we remain beautiful in our husband’s eyes?

First of all, we must remember that God didn’t create us with the “complete look” built in. 


Going back to His Word, we see that we are perfectly and wonderfully made…..which includes our natural beauty.

In 1 Peter, we see that we aren’t to be concerned with our hair, jewelry or clothes….

Our focus is to be in our conversation….our hearts…..having a meek and quiet spirit.

While our main focus is to be on our actions, heart and spirit. I believe we should still take care to be neat and attractive for our husbands.

A shower, brushed hair, and clean nice clothes will brighten our spirits.

Coupled with our neat appearance, a heart focused on him, and our homes…..

We will be beautiful to our husbands and his greatest treasure!




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  1. Beth

    I just came over from Tyson’s place where he wrote about how he loves his wife more after seven years. My thought was that he loves her more because of the hard work of marriage, the bonding that takes place as we commit ourselves to one another and as we come to know each other more deeply. None of that is about how she looks seven years later. I think the same is true in our marriages. When we focus on the great things you mentioned from scripture (meek and quiet spirit, etc.) we become more beautiful even as our bodies break down. Great thoughts, my friend. Thanks for linking up at Wedded Wed too. 🙂

    1. simplyhelpinghim

      Beauty on the outside will fail, all we will have left is who we truly are inside, through Christ that can be even more beautiful than what used to be on the outside. It is this beauty I pursue, yet continually fall short of. How thankful I am for God and His forgiveness which allows me to get back up and try again. Thanks for stoppin by and for the link up! Blessings!

  2. Alicia@The Overflow!

    Love this reminder. Glad I stopped over from Beth’s. I think I “feel” more beautiful when I’m focusing on Jesus instead of the mirror. He does make all things beautiful, especially His “brides” 🙂

    1. simplyhelpinghim

      Oh yes, focusing on Him is the true answer, for in Him we are beautiful, for He created us! So glad you stopped by! Blessings!

  3. Scott

    Beauty in my wife is so much more than appearance. It is satisfaction at being a woman. It is surrender to God. It is joy at being able to call herself MY wife.
    Overall – of course this is not universal – but guys are attracted to their wives. It is more about – is the wife RECEPTIVE of the man’s praise and admiration.

    1. simplyhelpinghim

      Your wife is truly blessed to have you as her husband. Unfortunately all men do not share your feelings nor do they speak of their feelings towards their wife as you do. It is for these wives I wrote this particular post. Blessings for you and yours, Scott!

  4. Heather

    Mine is actually the opposite, I like to have my hair done nice and makeup on, my husband prefers all natural, even to the point of no highlights or anything in my hair! But this is still a good reminder… our bodies are not the same as before we had children, but we are still beautiful in God’s eyes.

    1. simplyhelpinghim

      🙂 Yes either way we’re beautiful 🙂 Blessings!

  5. Ruth Hill

    I just started following you from Moms Mingle, and this was a great post to read. I find it amazing how many women don’t find themselves attractive. Honestly, even though I have no man in my life, I haven’t spent much time thinking I was ugly. But I have spent some time wondering what was wrong with me since men only seem to want one thing from me. But I don”t think about that too often,

    1. simplyhelpinghim

      I don’t believe it takes makeup, a fancy hairstyle, etc. to make us beautiful. I truly believe beauty shines from the inside out. As for the men that “want one thing” from you, don’t waste your time hun. They are not truly men. Godly men want you living for the Lord first and foremost, place a ring on your hand and then become part of that “one thing” with you. Praying for you tonight. Blessings!

  6. Hazel

    I can remember just having washed my hair, and a towel was around my head – – and Robert said, “You are so beautiful.” To me I wasn’t at that moment very pretty, but his remark was music to my ears.

    1. simplyhelpinghim

      Aww! That’s so sweet! 🙂 Thanks for sharing and stoppin by! Blessings!

  7. Marissa

    Well put – love the point so important especially during the summer for me. I see all these “perfect” girls around me and wish I was “perfect” thanks for sharing this!

    1. simplyhelpinghim

      Oh yes…..they do look “perfect” don’t they? I try to remember that looks can be deceiving 😉 Blessings hun!

  8. Gail @

    I agree with Helene. I think I was fortunate to be a child of the 60’s when long straight hair and no make-up were popular. By the time those things became unfashionable, my kids were old enough for me to have some time to myself. But, like Helene said, the best thing is having a hubby who is so blindly in love that he truly thinks you look beautiful without make-up.
    : )

    1. simplyhelpinghim

      That is a blessing! 🙂 I often wish it were that way again. A no make up, no fancy hair society sounds wonderful! 🙂 Thank you for stoppin by! Blessings!

  9. Nannette and The Sweetheart

    Thank you so much…I need this! My husband has ALWAYS called me beautiful, even when I know I’m not, like Helene says. I am thankful.

    1. simplyhelpinghim

      Yes, beauty is not skin deep, and having a husband that knows that is a wonderful blessing! Thank you for stoppin by! Blessings!

  10. Lisa notes...

    Sometimes I think I’m finished with this struggle and am content; other times–like this weekend–it rears its ugly head again. Thankful I have a sweet husband who tells me I’m beautiful, even when outwardly (and often inwardly!) I know I am not. Thankful even more for a Savior who makes us clean and beautiful and righteous with his own cleanliness and beauty and righteousness! I appreciate you sharing this today.

    1. simplyhelpinghim

      Such truth! It is something that we have to die to many times. The beauty that Christ gives us is liken to no other! Thank you for stoppin by! Blessings!

  11. Helene

    I am grateful for a husband who finds me beautiful when I know I’m not!

    1. simplyhelpinghim

      Oh yes! I’m thankful for the same thing! 🙂 Thank you for stoppin by! Blessings!

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