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Number One Mama Tool - Simply Helping Him: Marriage Experience from a Help Meet



May 10

Number One Mama Tool

Marissa’s great post on a mama’s number one tool has been relocated to Marriage Motherhood and Missions, our new contributor blog. We hope you’ll be blessed when you stop by to read this post.




Mamas, this is a tool that you need to use daily. From the moment you find out you are going to have a little one to care for. Practice it daily. Get used to the way it feels, how it works, let it become second nature. Don’t get discouraged when it takes longer than you thought. Don’t get frustrated when you don’t hear an answer, or see a change.





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  1. Joyce

    Stopping by from Company Girl Coffee

    Great post! When I was pregnant with my 1st daughter, my MIL gave me a page that she used when she was pregnant. It wasn’t a list of things to prep for the newborn. It was actually a list of prayers for the baby. I’ve seen a few other prayer calendars floating around the Internet and it’s just awesome to be reminded to pray for our children before those hard questions arise, or challenges come their way.

    1. simplyhelpinghim

      That is wonderful! What a wonderful gift! Thank you for stoppin by! Blessings!

  2. Iris

    Wanted to add my ‘Amen’. I feel the difference when my mornings start in communion with him. And in a season of pregnancy with a toddler running around and month long house guest, I’d say that time has been squeezed. But I need it all the more. Especially preparing for the transition to two. Thank you for the encouragement/reminder!

    1. simplyhelpinghim

      Prayer gets us through things we think we can not handle, God is so good! Thank you for stoppin by! Blessings!

    2. Marissa

      Iris- you are so right, now is when you need it more than ever. Blessings for this season!

  3. Rachel Anne

    My mom always says, “you never stop praying for your kids!” and now that she had GREAT grandkids, I guess she knows what she is talking about. I found myself saying “Yes!” to each moment you listed where prayer was the answer. My heart is really, really full these days because I’m seeing the incredible fruit of praying for and loving my kids through their growing years. I was so weary every single day, so filled with thoughts of failure and overwhelm….prayer and trust that God was big enough to carry us brought me through. And these “littles” are now “bigs” and so beautiful and wonderful….so far beyond what I could have imagined.

    So YES- YES- YES to prayer….thank you for this beautiful post.

    1. simplyhelpinghim

      Oh yes, prayer is a never ending process! Thank you for stoppin by and sharing! Blessings!

    2. Marissa

      Rachel Anne – so encouraging to hear from one who has seen those littles grow up to bigs – it is hard for us to really see that next stage – but hearing that you felt it, and know that we are at least trying to do the right thing – relying on the strength of the Lord and praying every second of every hard day, well it is a blessing. thank you

  4. alyssaz

    Good stuff! I am much the same. Prayer is usually the last tool in the toolbox. But I want baby girl to have better habits. Learning to pray with her know will hopefully make it a habit for both of us.

    1. simplyhelpinghim

      Oh yes, I want my kiddos to be better than I in many areas, but especially in this area! Thanks for stoppin by! Blessings!

    2. Marissa

      Oh Alyssa, isn’t that the truth? Us mamas so want our kids to get the good habits, so we try extra hard to show those habits more.

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