Deference vs. Rudeness
Definition: Limiting my freedom so I do not offend the tastes of those around me
I Will….
* Notice those around me
* Respect the feelings of others
* Not use offensive language
* Not play loud music in public
* Be careful how I dress
Week One Activities
(Teaching ~ Notice those around me)
Practice acknowledging family members at home and the importance of doing so in public as well
Discuss how they would feel if someone ignored them
Week Two Activities
(Teaching ~ Respect the feelings of others)
Teach family members to be sensitive to others feelings and beliefs
Each person is different and we need to treat all as we would like to be treated
Week Three Activities
(Teaching ~ Not use offensive language)
Memorize Ephesians 4:29
Teach that being kind is not just in action, but in word as well
Week Four Activities
(Teaching ~ Not play loud music in public)
Not everyone enjoys loud music like you might.
Babies might be sleeping, headaches, etc. must be considered
Week Five Activities
(Teaching ~ Be careful how I dress)
How we dress can affect others.
Being modest is a great way to show you care about yourself and God
November 15, 2012 at 7:56 am (UTC -4) Link to this comment
Excellent! Not only have you paired good ideas with their scriptural basis, but you’ve given action steps to implement the transformation, not just talk about it. Well done 🙂 And I love your connection of dress with respecting other people. I certainly have felt very disrespected in the presence of some people’s clothing choices. Blessings from Be Not Weary today 🙂
November 15, 2012 at 11:02 am (UTC -4) Link to this comment
I find it easier to implement a new character trait with weekly activities, so I hope they help someone else too! 🙂 Thank you for stoppin by and for your kind words! Blessings!