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I Used to Need People with Wisdom Wednesday Link Up - Simply Helping Him: Marriage Experience from a Help Meet



Nov 14

I Used to Need People with Wisdom Wednesday Link Up

This last week I was blessed to have 44 blog posts linked up! I truly love and enjoy reading each one of your posts, so thank you from the bottom of my heart for taking the time to link up!


Mrs. Sarah Coller shared her post “Femininity vs. Modesty….What’s the difference?”

I truly love how she breaks down the difference between two sensitive topics and brings light to the difference each brings to the table! Be sure to swing by and read this post,  you will truly be blessed!



It’s true….I used to need people.

The social chatting, the friendships, the attention, the laughter, the stories…..I thrived on being with people.

For 3 years I prayed that I would be able to stay home full time with my kiddos.

I don’t think I realized how different my life would be.

Home 24/7 with my babies. Teaching them full time. Housekeeping . Hubby’s needs.

All of these duties leave very little, if any time for me. Much less me and other people.

Hard at times? Yes.

God’s plan for me? Definitely.

When I was working full time I enjoyed being there. Too much often times. My co-workers friendships were more important than my hubby’s and kiddos relationships.

God brought me home to fulfill His plan; a help meet, a mom, a daughter; learning to live and love as her Father designed.

I have a voice still. Though it has changed. My “voice” is seen on a computer screen. By who, God only knows. He guides my words, and brings those that He desires to “hear”.

I don’t need people anymore. I love chatting over tea or coffee, but I don’t have to have people.

My family… Father….they provide all that I need.

It’s not about me anymore.

 My calling is more important. It’s from my King….I’m a princess, striving to follow her Father’s plan! <—- Tweet Tweet

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  1. Adrienne

    I get this. I’ve been through the stages of being completely fine with hubs and the kids, and they will always come first, but there is a part of me that needs friendship and fellowship. I think it’s all about finding the balance. Stopped by from Shell’s place.

    1. simplyhelpinghim

      Yes, there are many different stages to this process. I have been through a few, but have finally come to terms with knowing where I am right now and being ok where God has me. Thank you for stoppin by 😉 Blessings!

  2. Shell

    Interesting perspective. My family comes before others but I think it’s important to have others in my life as well.

    1. simplyhelpinghim

      I love to have friends and hang out, but it’s not something I NEED to have anymore. When I first became a SAHM it was really hard for me because I felt like I wasn’t a person anymore, because I wasn’t having those daily chats and relationships. I have come to realize that I depended on them too much, that my family was suffering. I don’t need those relationships anymore, my family relationships are growing and my relationship with the Lord is as well! 🙂 I still enjoy having fun with friends, it’s just not my focus nor do I need it to survive. I hope this makes sense 😉

  3. Judith

    My story is similar and the blessings of staying at home are not to be compared with working. Homeschooling was wonderful (even the not-so-good-moments) and I hope you will continue to be blessed through your decision to stay home. It is definitely the cross-life to stay home with your children and serve your husband.

    Thanks for the linkup today 🙂

    1. simplyhelpinghim

      Yes, it is a blessing, though trying at times! LOL! Thank you for the encouragement and kind words friend! Blessings! 🙂

  4. Kathleen

    Oh my… we have a lot in common with this one. I recall years of being the “life of the party” but in many ways it became the death of me. Knowing our priorities is so important… God, Marriage, Family, Church… and friends. God indeed wants us to have friends. I think of Jonathan and David. But it is so good to know your priorities in life and where God wants you to be. Wonderful post Misty. Have a blessed day 🙂

    1. simplyhelpinghim

      Oh yes, the “life of the party”. I remember those days, I was buckets of fun to be around, and I wanted to be around people who liked it that way. I am content having a great day at home with my kiddos and enjoy a hot cup of tea, a book, writing and NCIS before bed. Gone are my days of “life of the party”. I’m learning to love the relaxed pace 🙂 Thank you for your kind words sis! Blessings!

  5. Tereasa

    I love your heart in this!

    1. simplyhelpinghim

      Thank you for your kind words sis! Blessings! 🙂

  6. Emily Cook

    Isn’t it wonderful how He changes us with each season!? 🙂

    1. simplyhelpinghim

      Yes it truly is! 🙂 Thank you for stoppin by! 🙂

  7. Heather Bowen

    Thank you so much for this post. I am just learning the SAHM routine. I have been a working homeschool mother for all 8 years that I’ve been a mother. I have been praying for over a year for God to bring me home full time and a little over a month ago, I lost my job. My husband is now the one working and I’m staying home. I love it and am so thankful but find it hard to adjust to this new lifestyle at times. Your post spoke straight to my heart and I thank you for it!

    Thanks for linking up to the Living Intentionally Challenge at Upside Down Homeschooling. Blessings to you!

    1. simplyhelpinghim

      It is hard to adjust to the new lifestyle of a SAHM/Homeschooling Mom. Just remember all is grace! There is no perfect way to do things, and no perfect days. Praying for you sis! I’m here to chat if you ever want to 😉 Blessings!

  8. Barbara Isaac

    How freeing it is to realize He is truly all we need!!!

    1. simplyhelpinghim

      Amen! 🙂 It is so freeing! 🙂 Blessings sis!

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