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My Marriage Story..... - Simply Helping Him: Marriage Experience from a Help Meet



Jul 05

My Marriage Story…..

God’s Will 2010


When Elizabeth asked me if I would do a guest blog post over @ Warrior Wives. I was excited and surprised, this was my first “requested” guest blog post.


The name of her blog struck me immediately. Warrior Wives. I do not see myself as a warrior, yet I am honored to share my story with her and her readers ~ and I hope you’ll follow me over there to read my story..



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  1. Cross Moms

    I commented on Warrior Wives, but I just wanted to say here, too, that your honesty is what is so freeing. Thank you for sharing your story at Cross Moms’ Show and Tell Link Up. I have so many loved ones who have grown up in the grips of alcoholic families, and your words brought to mind some of the same struggles I have heard and seen them share. May God continue to bless you and your family.
    Love and God Bless,

    1. simplyhelpinghim

      Thank you for taking the time to stop by here too. Honesty is the only way that I believe we can reach others that too may be struggling with things we’ve been through. Through honesty they can see that they truly are not alone, that you aren’t just “saying” things to make them “feel better”. Blessings girly!

    2. Cross Moms

      Misty! I’m sure you are wondering why I was commenting on a blog post that has nothing to do with your marriage story! I am so sorry! The link you shared on Cross Moms went directly to the most recent post on Warrior Wives, not your post! I would bet my comment threw you off a bit! It you want to delete it all, I completely understand! Either way, I love reading your posts! 😉
      Love and God Bless,

      1. simplyhelpinghim

        Hi Girly 🙂 I don’t see a comment on a non-marriage post? I got the one earlier today on My Marriage Story here? Thanks for stoppin back by and no worries 😉 Blessings!

  2. Kari

    Oh,I love this. Thank you so much for sharing and being so transparent! I truly believe that when we know truth (and the only way to now is for someone to be honest), truth is what sets us free. When we as women speak up about our own lives, it helps others know they are not alone, and if God can heal your marriage, why wouldn’t He heal someone else’s. It is amazing, your story… Really Gods story. He is SO good! I feel like I know you so much more. I am thankful to have found you in this big o’ blog world, friend! And i cant wait to get to know you more! Blessings!

    1. simplyhelpinghim

      That is why I share my story. I know I hated being in church, around Christians because I felt like I was the only one. There are so many masks worn in church it is sad. We need to be willing to remove them so others can see that you struggle too, you aren’t perfect and you don’t expect them to be either. You never know if you will be the one God uses to help them and walk through something with them because of your past. I’m so glad we found each other as well 😉 Blessings friend!


    Ok Misty…… I don’t know if you got comment there or not. I was crying & still wiping away tears now,, your story sounds very similar to my journey… Thank you for sharing and being transparent! I really needed to know I am not alone… God put you in my path for reason I belive

    1. simplyhelpinghim

      I did just get it! Sorry I was in bed sleepin 😉 You’re very welcome. I share because my prayer is someone will read it be encouraged and continue on, or that they will read it early and not make mistakes that we have made! To God be the glory! I’m always here if you’d like to chat 😉 Feel free to email me ok? 😉 Blessings friend!

  4. Tracy Bua Smith

    Thank you for sharing such an amazing story filled with hope on NOBH! 🙂

    1. simplyhelpinghim

      Hope! Yes! There is always hope! Thank you for stoppin by! 🙂 Blessings!

  5. Mary Beth

    So I commented over at Warrior Wives, but its not showing up, so I’m coming here! 🙂 Great post. I feel like I know you so much better and understand more how God brought you to where you are today!

    Mary Beth

    1. simplyhelpinghim

      Yes, the background helps a lot 😉 Thanks for taking the extra time to stop by here 🙂 Hope you had a great getaway 😉 Blessings friend!

  6. Elizabeth@Warrior Wives

    Thanks so much for sharing your story!!

    1. simplyhelpinghim

      You’re very welcome! Thank you for the opportunity to share 😉 Blessings!

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