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Tools that Build Dreams with Link Up - Simply Helping Him: Marriage Experience from a Help Meet



Dec 06

Tools that Build Dreams with Link Up

There was a time when my dreams were big and lofty.  The kind of dreams you read about in stories.  The typical dreams you expect from a young American girl who has the world in front of her.

But the beauty of dreams is that they are allowed to change – mine change often.

We can put some dreams on the shelf and adopt new dreams for a time. Knowing that we might come back to old dreams another day, if we want.

My dreams today are still big and lofty.  They just aren’t the dreams that fill high school essays anymore.

You see, I’m a mom.  Full time, all day, every day.  And so that job has shaped some of my new dreams.

And well, I’m learning to turn to a real friend when I’m stuck in life.  His name is Jesus.

These two facts about me are shaping my dreams.

I dream of being the best mom.  And yes that dream is often colored by the rainbow of pictures filling pinterest every hour. Which of course is not the best palette to paint a dream with.  But it is a start, because it allows me to evaluate my actions as a mom, and decide what steps I need to make to change.

Now before you all decide that is a dream you’d expect to hear from me, take a moment and allow me to describe this dream further.  I know that perfection isn’t something I can really attain because I am a person who makes mistakes, practically hourly.  I also know that I was given these specific children because I am the best person on this planet that can be their mom. And that is what is at the foundation of my current dream.

I dream of my kids as adults who remember their mom as always there with a hug, a kiss for a boo-boo and a smiling face as they stepped into life.  My dream will require love and gentleness.

I dream of being a mom who remembers there is fun in being silly – starting a musical parade in the middle of the chores because we are putting away instruments, or just dancing outside because it’s raining, and there is nothing better in the world!  My dream will require joy.

I dream of being a mom who can sit through a traffic-jam calmly while the kids are in the backseat whining and crying to get home faster. My dream will require peace.

I dream of being the mom that hears her child’s stories, wants, hopes, dreams.  And that is something that takes some practice – I mean lets be honest, have you ever had a preschooler follow you around a narrate the day?  My dream will require kindness and patience.


I dream of being the mom who is able to set real boundaries for her littles. Boundaries that teach lessons and provide safety and yet teach personal independence. My dream will require faithfulness and self-control.

And that is just a small glimpse into my dream of the moment… But thankfully, even though this might just be one of the loftiest dreams ever, these aspects are gifts that I’ve been given.  Have you?

So now I know the steps to take to fill myself with the tools that will allow this dream to come true.  And I have a game plan, just like those high school teachers use to give to students stepping into the world where hard work allows dreams to be met.

Are there some tools I’ve left out that you use to build your current dream?  Is your current dream different than the dream you had when you were graduating high school? I’d love to hear from you!



It’s time for the Faithful Friday Link Up! 🙂 

Meet the bloggers:

Faithful Fridays is a place to link up anything post that demonstrates areas of your life that you have been faithful in.  Has God called you to be faithful in writing, homemaking, child raising, reading, or homeschooling?  Link up as many times as you like, share the areas of your life that you have been faithful in!  We can’t wait to read your wonderful posts.

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  1. Rosey

    What a wonderful write up of dreams, so many of which I’m sure will be true before you know, just because you’re thinking about them. It’s funny how things work out that way sometimes. 🙂 I’m visiting today from Fun Friday. 🙂

    1. simplyhelpinghim

      Yes it is amazing how things work out! Thanks for stoppin by! Blessings!

    2. Marissa

      It is amazing how as we think about dreams they come true… our thoughts sure do lead to action

  2. Mel Caldicott

    I love your dreams! I love that we can live intentionally trying to strive towards those dreams but that we also live under the grace of God for those times when we make mistakes or stumble short of the dreams becoming a reality.
    Thanks for linking up at Essential Fridays. Blessings.
    Mel from Essential Thing Devotions

    1. simplyhelpinghim

      Oh yes! Grace with dreams is key! 🙂 Blessings!

    2. Marissa

      It is such a blessing to receive such grace. Our expectations can be so far away from reality sometimes and the grace that fills the gap is amazing.

  3. Candace

    What a beautiful dream! It sounds like you are a great mommy who deeply loves her children. So glad to find you through Faith Filled Friday! I will definitely join in your weekly link-up. Thanks for hosting!

    1. simplyhelpinghim

      Marissa is very inspiring to me! Her love for her children is so obvious in every post she writes! Blessings!

    2. Marissa

      Candace – thank you for such a lovely compliment (you too Misty!). Love is the one thing I know I can do for my children. Everything else is where the struggles lie. I hope to hear from you again!

  4. Debbie @

    Thanks for hosting! Have a great weekend!

    1. simplyhelpinghim

      Thanks for linkin up! Blessings!

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