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Faithfulness in School Work with Link Up - Simply Helping Him: Marriage Experience from a Help Meet



Aug 16

Faithfulness in School Work with Link Up

Teaching Faithfulness Through School Work

I had a change of heart last week while I was busy preparing for our upcoming school year.

As my kiddos are getting older, and middle school is only one year away. I am wanting to encourage and teach my children the importance of faithfulness in school, by doing it as unto the Lord.

I am not a stickler for a specific grade, that is not my concern. My concern is that my children at times do their work just to “get it done” and sometimes do sloppy work.

Rewarding Children for Good Grades

Up until now I have always disagreed with giving children rewards for good grades. I was of the mindset that you did school work well because you’re supposed to, that it wasn’t an option.

In the midst of planning, I began to think about how I could “encourage” my children to really care about how they did their school work. Rewards came to mind, and I quickly wrote it off…..BUT God spoke to my heart…..

God Rewards for Faithfulness

When we serve Him in what we do, what do we see? 

We begin to see His blessings in our lives. It isn’t always anything big, but He blesses those that serve Him in their daily lives.

If my children are doing their school work as unto the Lord, and in obedience to me, then should there not be blessings for them as God gives me?

Rewarding My Children’s Faithfulness

I’m not sure what I’ll be doing to reward my children’s faithfulness throughout their school work, but I know I don’t want it to be money. God does not always reward us with money, so I don’t want that to be a “picture” created since I am using this to relate to God’s blessings on our lives.


I created a chart to help my kiddos keep track of their faithfulness in their grades. Click the image below to download this free printable!


I would love to hear what ways you reward your children for their faithfulness in their school work?


Meet the bloggers:

  Faithful Fridays is a place to link up anything post that demonstrates areas of your life that you have been faithful in.  Has God called you to be faithful in writing, homemaking, child raising, reading, or homeschooling?  Link up as many times as you like, share the areas of your life that you have been faithful in!  We can’t wait to read your wonderful posts.

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  1. Debbie @

    Thanks so much for hosting!

    1. simplyhelpinghim

      You’re very welcome! 🙂

  2. Mel Caldicott

    I love your honesty here and the truths about the rewards we receive for our faithfulness.

    We tend to reward our kids when they’ve done something great at school with some kind of family treat ilk a fun meal together or an outing of some kind. This always feels like a celebration of their great effort more than a present would.

    Thanks for sharing at Essential Fridays.
    Mel from Essential Thing Devotions.

    1. simplyhelpinghim

      My kiddos love being able to pick meals/desserts, outings, etc. So that was my first thought! We’ll see, I’m still praying about it! Thanks for stoppin by Mel and for your link up! Blessings!

  3. Renee

    YAY! Love the printable- thanks! and small simple rewards- Joey is into balloons right now so, ballons will be his reward . . . still have to think of one for Emme- last year it was money . . . I’d like to do something else this year for her.

    1. simplyhelpinghim

      🙂 You’re very welcome! 🙂 I’m still praying about what to do for rewards, not sure what we’ll be doing yet. Blessings hun!

  4. Mrs. Sarah Coller

    Wow…that is such a great point of view. I am like you were—don’t really want to reward for good behavior. But you’re right—God does honor our faithfulness. I’m interested to find out what rewards you come up with!

    1. simplyhelpinghim

      Isn’t it amazing how God can work to change our views and make us more like Him? I’m praying about the rewards! I will definitely write a post once I firm up a plan! 🙂 Blessings and hugs sis!

  5. Kim Adams Morgan

    Thank you for another Faithful Friday blessing!

    1. simplyhelpinghim

      You’re very welcome! Blessings!

  1. Small | Redemption Diary

    […] Also linking with Essential Thing Devotions and Simply Helping Him […]

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