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My First Ebook! - Simply Helping Him: Marriage Experience from a Help Meet



Jan 01

My First Ebook!

Over the last 3 days or so, God started speaking to my heart that He wanted me to write and finish an Ebook, that was to launch on New Year’s Day.

So I pushed through and it is here! I am very excited to have had His words spoken to me, that I might pen them.

I pray that you will be blessed, and if it doesn’t pertain to you, then I’m trusting that God will lay someone on your heart that could use His words.

One crazy story for the title of my book, was that I was going to just use “Unfulfilled”, but during the time I was writing I read Ann Voskamp’s post about having a word for each year.

As I was writing, God spoke to my heart that the word for my 2013 year was to be, “Fulfilled”. Immediately I realized that I couldn’t publish my book titled, “Unfulfilled” on the first of my year “Fulfilled”, thus I added a strike mark to my title.

This book, reveals my journey throughout the last year, which could have been named “Unfulfilled”, had I known of this great idea!





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  1. Leslie Monroe (@BeSimplyBetter)

    I’m excited to read it! Once I finish up a few things, i can’t wait to dive in. So happy for you. 🙂

    1. simplyhelpinghim

      Thanks so much girly! It was definitely a God thing! It wasn’t planned! 🙂 Love ya!

  2. Lori Williams

    Thank you so very much. I thank God for how He has used you to speak to my heart. You see, I have been in and out (mostly in) a state of depression through this last year and probably longer. My family is falling apart and we are probably about to loose everything. My oldest son has not been walking with the Lord for sometime now. He has been drinking and smoking. He is in the service, is married and has 3 children. I am proud of him for how he has taken care if his family, and served our country, and I have told him. I haven’t seen him in over 6 years and he doesn’t care to even talk to me. Don’t know why. I have yet to meet 2 of my grandchildren. They live in Illinois, we live in Florida. Finances on both ends are tight. My twins? They are 21. My daughter moved out just before Christmas, without saying anything to us. We call and text her often, but she hardly ever responds back. She stopped going to church. Lots of other things have happened with her but I won’t go into detail. Just that these things give me doubt to question anything she tells me to be true. The other twin, our younger son, told us in 2011 that he was gay. Lots happened with that too, including church discipline. He still claims to be gay and at the same time days he is a born again believer and gay is not a sin. He still lives in our home, but I often pray that God would move him out. My husband? I love him so very much. He says he is a born again believer, yet he never opens his Bible except when we go to church. He doesn’t pray with me or for me. He doesn’t pray with or for our children. He lost his job almost a year ago and has not been able to find anything. His unemployment ran out, so we have no money coming in the house. He does auto repair work, and we have an ad running so hopefully he can get some side work. But our phones are already 2 months behind on payment, so they, along with our electric and car insurance will be cancelled soon. If we have no phones, that means no calls for jobs. If we have no car insurance that means no car to drive to look for jobs. We live in a very rural town and walking is not an option, living 20 miles out of town. Have asked and begged my husband to tell me what I can do for him. No response. I pray for all my family. I am just so tired, so weary, so weak. I can’t do this anymore. And I know what His Word says, that He works all things out for good to those who love Him and have been called according to His purpose. I know He loves me and will not leave me. I believe all of His Word to be true. I need help with my unbelief. It seems to be pressing down in me crushing me and pushing out my belief. I don’t know what else to do but get into bed and sleep. I am so very tired. I tell you all this because you said to tell you if you could pray for anyone. I need prayer, desperately. And I would covet the prayers of any of my sisters in Christ. I am tired if putting on a smile and telling everyone I am ok. I am not. I need God to change my heart. Thank you again for this booklet. I will read it over and over. I don’t know what I am going to do with it, but God does.

    1. simplyhelpinghim

      Dear friend…..thank you so much for taking the time to tell me your difficulties at this time in your life. You have been on my heart and mind since I read your post. You are being held up in prayer dear! Remember that we are worth more to our Heavenly Father, than the sparrows and even they have their nests! Our Father knows the very number of hairs on your head! He is with you even through the most difficult times. I am praying that your heart will be filled with the peace and love that only He can provide! I once was the daughter that wasn’t walking with the Lord. My parents lost many hours of sleep and are due many repaid tears for all I put them through. I am so sorry that your children have placed you in that type of position. I can’t promise you that everything will turn out perfectly, but I will tell you that God is faithful. He remains true to His every word. Seek His Word when you are lost, alone, and feel in despair. I will continue pray for you and if you would like to chat more personally, please feel free to email me @ simplyhelpinghim (at) gmail (dot) com …… Love and prayers dear sister

  3. Kelly Martin

    VERY cool! Wow. It’s inspiring to see someone follow God in such a way 🙂

    1. simplyhelpinghim

      It isn’t often that I jump that quickly, but His word’s just kept flowing, so I kept writing! It truly was amazing! 🙂 Blessings!

  4. Jane

    Thank you so much for sharing what is on your heart. I just got done reading the book, and it definitely spoke to me! I have been struggling recently with being unfulfilled, but I guess I didn’t really even realize that is what it was… I just feel kind of empty inside. What spoke to me the most was when you said “In GOD alone will you find complete fulfillment”. Wow. I can’t tell you how grateful I am that you listened to His voice to tell you to write this! xoxox

    1. simplyhelpinghim

      I’m humbled and blessed that God took His words, via my pen to your heart. Praying that He fulfills your life as only He can do! In Him you will be fulfilled! Blessings and prayers!

  5. Lindie Goodwin

    Excellent! Very encouraging!

    1. simplyhelpinghim

      Thank you sweet cuz! 🙂 Blessings!

  6. Debbie

    Misty, what a sweet word the Lord has given you in this book.
    You are so right about the expectations. What husband can live up
    to what we’ve built in our minds?

    God bless you as you continue to write and listen and obey.


    1. simplyhelpinghim

      So true, no husband stands a chance. It is realizing that our expectations are what make us feel lacking or unfulfilled. Then and only then can God fulfill us each and every day! Blessings! 🙂

  7. Sherryl WIlson

    I like that you left the UN in your title… It is amazing how God speaks to us if we will but listen.

    1. simplyhelpinghim

      I couldn’t remove it for it wouldn’t tell the right story. I was perplexed for a bit, God had it all figured out for me, I just had to listen! 🙂 Blessings!

  8. Amy Jung

    Sounds great! You go girl!

    1. simplyhelpinghim

      Thanks sis! 🙂 Blessings!

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